Unlock your child’s potential with OT to You’s occupational therapy services. Our occupational therapists create lasting success with individualized therapy plans that focus on enhancing your child’s fine motor skills, sensory processing and more.
We take the time to learn about your child and family, so we can pair you with the perfect therapist for your child and develop a plan as unique as they are. Our therapy sessions take place in your home or at your child’s school to ensure our strategies are effective in their everyday environment. Sessions at our Evanston-based sensory gym are also available.

Our Modalities
Sensory Integration
DIR Floortime
Feeding Therapy
Integrated Listening Systems (iLs)
Infant Massage
Astronaut Training
Handwriting Without Tears
Reflex Integration (MNRI)
Social Thinking & the Zones of Regulation
Assistive Technology

Keep an eye out for...
Overly sensitive to touch, movement, sights or sounds
Easily distracted/poor attention
Difficulty with social interactions/flexibility/emotional regulation
Avoids fine motor activities
Difficulty with transitions and completing everyday tasks
Constantly on the “go”
Poor organizational skills
Struggles with sleeping, eating, and toileting